Have healthy days peaceful moments with you!
Nephrologist in Beverly Hills


Dr. Nasr Chimeh started his subspecialty in Nephrology (Kidney disease) in one of Harvard Medical School affiliated hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts.


Internal Medicine

Dr. Nasr Chimeh is an  expert in Internal Medicine he practically visits patients with all kinds of diseases including rare and undiagnosed disorders.

Hypertension Specialist in Beverly Hills


DR. Farhad Nasr Chimeh is an internist and nephrologist. His field of interest is hypertension, kidney disease and disorder of vitamin D metabolism


Vitamin D

Dr. Nasr Chimeh’s  main field of interest in research is vitamin D and its role in treatment of different disorders including cancer.

About Dr. Farhad Nasr Chimeh

Dr. Nasr Chimeh is an Internist and Nephrologist. He did his residency in Internal Medicine at Tufts University. Then he started his fellowship in Nephrology at Harvard Medical School and the affiliated hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Nasr Chimeh also worked as a researcher at Boston University for about 3 years.

His main field of expertise in research is about the vitamin D and its vital effects in human body. He was selected by Tufts University as the best teaching resident of the year for 3 consecutive years. During his residency and fellowship he was actively involved in teaching to medical students, interns and residents at Harvard Medical School, Tufts University and Boston University.


Dr. Nasr Chimeh joined UCLA and Cedar- Sinai Medical Center as an active faculty member. He has been actively involved in teaching the medical students, interns, residents and also Nephrology fellows at Cedar-Sinai Medical Center. Since 2011 he has been running a Board Review Session for Nephrology fellows on a biweekly basis, preparing fellows for Nephrology board exams.

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Customer testimonials


You are a good physician and a good Dr with a big heart , our Iranian societies has to proud of you, from now on I am one of your flower.

Bruce Dadbin

Hossein Madjid

What a Great physician & humanitarian you are doctor Nasr, you are a gift to our community.

Hossein Madjid

Abdul Ghaffar Nazary

I am from Afghanistan and i am pleased to learn a lot from your lectures tnx billions

Abdul Ghaffar Nazary

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