Farhad Nasr Chimeh is an internist and nephrologist. His field of interest is hypertension, kidney disease and disorder of vitamin D metabolism nevertheless as an expert internist he practically visits patients with all kinds of diseases including rare and undiagnosed disorders. After finishing his specialty in Internal Medicine, Dr. Nasr Chimeh started his subspecialty in Nephrology (Kidney disease) in one of Harvard Medical School affiliated hospitals in Boston, Massachusetts. During his educational career in Boston, he was very active in teaching the interns and residents in different hospitals including hospitals affiliated to Boston university, Tufts university and Harvard Medical school. Besides teaching he was also very active in the field of research. His main field of interest in research was vitamin D and its role in treatment of different disorders including cancer. Most of his researches were conducted in Boston university Medical School and have been published in different well-known medical magazines. In 2001, he wrote a chapter in the book “Biology of the Light” which was published by Boston University. After moving to Los Angeles in 2007, he expanded his academic career. He started his solo practice in Beverly Hills visiting patients with different disorders. He also became the faculty member at UCLA school of Medicine and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Besides teaching the interns and residents on a regular weekly basis, Dr. Nasr Chimeh has conducted a Board Review Sessions since 2009. In these sessions which have been held on a weekly basis, Dr. Chimeh has been teaching the nephrology fellows in different ways to make them prepared for the final board exam in Nephrology.
Aside from visiting patients, research and educating medical staff, Dr. Nasr Chimeh has also dedicated his life to public education. Since 2007, soon after moving to California, he started a program in TV for public education. This 60-minutes program is called “Medicine from concept to reality” and is internationally broadcasted on a weekly basis. In this program Dr. Nasr Chimeh has been trying to educate the public about the scientific realities vs wrong concepts in medicine. Since 2012 he has also been a guest speaker to a local radio station in Los Angeles on a weekly basis to discuss about different interesting topics along with new advances in medicine.
435 North Bedford drive, Suite 310
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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Urgent: 310-724-8586
non-urgent: 310-724-8588
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